Sunday, December 16, 2007

Archive : The stone, death, apocalypse and the dragon

I don’t know if it was a nightmare, probably not. It was more a troubling dream, something that you feel ashamed of; because these dreams send you back an egoistic vision of yourself.

It begins like an end of video game, think Myst, or perhaps the ring. I arrive in front of some statue, of some god or perhaps like I prefer to call them some entity that possess such great power and are so natural in our word that some people revere in our world like “gods”.

I arrive in front of some sort of African statue that is illuminated by rays of light, something is feminine about it, “something” tells me that “it is … I forgot the names it ends in “il” the daughter of the sun, like her father she got the power of bringing back the sun, and … (something else I forgot), I wonder if she can resurrect the dead, but from the description I heard, she can’t, it was not mentioned. Why would I “select” her, as the recipient of the sheer power I got in my hand? The jewel in itself look like, well the dream is a bit blurry about the jewel so forgive me the not so accurate description, but it is some sort of bright red stone, who emit a lot of light. It is not named in my dream but right now I think the “blood stone” would be an appropriate name, but I won’t use it in the text.

It seems that somehow I’m not interested by this ending, even if this is a good one, even if it will bring joy to humanity that I gave the power to a “good” god that will help humanity, it does not interest me as her attribute are limited, and this limit doesn’t fit my profile of what a good ending would be for me, egoistically I discard her, she disappear from my field of view as I shift to other gods, I don’t even look at them, I see at one moment a blurry statue that I don’t even “look at” so I can’t describe it and the description tell me it is … (finish with o) the god of rivers, discarded.

Then I arrive in front of an entity I know, I didn’t see it, nor did I heard the description, perhaps it happened too fast for the description to know that I’m “interested” in the entity, or perhaps that the description knew that my knowledge on this entity seems to be enough. I know what this entity would do with the jewel. I know what it would use this power for. It was death and I give him the jewel (I know it is a male). Death went to the world and decides to end it life and souls, once and for the eternity. I see death now he looks like a skeleton with a cape and of course, it scythe. So death arrive in the world, now he look at me, without telling me a word, he slash me with his scythe, I’m dead but somehow I’m still “here” in front of death and my body who is lying down is still “intact”, and now, something terrible happen Death get his scythe in his hand come in front of me and slash my body his scythe entering my abdomen and exit through my throat, Death with the jewel in hand is now able to deprive someone of afterlife. And it began with me. My vision vanish into darkness, a neutral darkness, I’m fading in oblivion. I’m afraid now, in this dark that I won’t be able to interact with anyone, that my desire of knowledge and visual inputs may not be fulfilled. After my fear is gone, I begin to see the world again, it does not bring me joy to me, nor sorrow, I can’t anymore interact with the world, and I see it as a neutral person, a ghost of some sort, that no one, not even death see. The world is a barren landscape, moonlike. All white with some hill and valley and the cities disappeared.

Everybody is dead and I regret nothing. But not – everything – is dead. In our world, there is some sort of tunnel which would look like an immense chimney from earth that no one could see, and that look like a gigantic well for those from there. I’m seeing the end of the well from a part of this tunnel. I move into an unknown world, new is not appropriate as it has always been there, people here hiding from the rest of our world. People here look like hobbit, alive, and someone in this village, carved into the rock is not happy by what happen outside. Two in fact, but I only see one fat “hobbit” quite rich it seems. He arrive at the elder’s house, inside they find someone looking like Bilbo film adaption they tell him that death has killed everyone on earth and that he is afraid. Death in my dream was not normally killing people freely and burying their soul into oblivion normally it would end the life of those dying and bring their soul to judgement and then to the place that they are assigned to.

The elder tells that rich man that he should not be afraid of that. Death never ever found the way to their world. And normally they should not interfere with what happen outside. The rich man then has his fear calmed, but instead of joy, the sentiment was replaced by sadness. Will we do nothing for them? The elder, who seems troubled by the fact that the rich actually cared about the living and that he was saddened by their loss, tell him that he would do something, and that he possess a stone that, while not as powerful as the one I gave to death, would perhaps be able to bring back people to life. I then assume that he threw the stone into the well. The stone enter our world and land on the white dust. Death saw it or sense it, came to see the stone, I can’t see the stone but he take it, and bring it back to his home. The “home” was in fact only a few furniture with no wall to protect them. Death opened a box lying on top of a drawer, and put the stone in it. The little box is near a big box containing the jewel I offered him. Then someone came, a man who refused to die, a liche perhaps. Something that death was not concerned about, in fact the liches were of pleasant company. They discussed about the stone death found. I don’t know what they were talking about specifically. They decided that the stone was a concern for death, its purpose was unknown and the fact that concerned death was that it wasn’t on earth when he killed everyone and it seemed impossible that he missed some place on earth when he last inspected it. He went to the place he found the stone, and looked at the sky, he saw the tunnel, which he never saw before, and by this discovery thought that someone cheated him and he was angered that some people were still living on this earth He took his scythe and tried to climb the tunnel.

My vision then moved to see the tunnel from a transversal side. I saw death climbing the tunnel with his cape on his head, and his scythe on left hand. He climbed then at some point of the climbing, he touched he wall and sensed a burning sensation. The wall was covered by some sort of excrement, some soil, something from which life could grow and that he fought he had eradicated. Then he looked up, and saw something worse happening. Some sort of young dragon was climbing down the tunnel. Some sort of hope rayed from this dragon and his fire breathe made death retreat from the pain it procured. Life and hope rayed out of the dragon. Then I woke up.

Originaly posted July 1st 2007

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